Καλωσήλθατε στο ειδησεογραφικό site του Φαρμακευτικού Κόσμου. 'Αμεση, έγκυρη και ποιοτική ενημέρωση για το φάρμακο και την υγεία.
Επάγγελμα: Φαρμακοποιός

τελευταία νέα

OTC Action Workshop in Athens

New Thinking to Create New Opportunities
Μεγέθυνση Γραμμάτων Σμίκρυνση Γραμμάτων Αρχικό Μέγεθος

With the global OTC landscape changing dramatically over recent years, Nicholas Hall will be in Greece to lead a high-powered one-day workshop in which he will share his latest research finding, together with insights gained in almost 40 years of working with top OTC players around the globe. The emphasis will be on understanding what makes a successful OTC brand, taking a look at the most innovative new products from around the world, and exploring key success factors such as engaging with the Consumer and umbrella branding, as well as key learnings from the global OTC market.

This workshop, being held in association with our local Network Partner Roula Hassapoglidou, is a must for all players in the local OTC market, and will provide a guide to building successful and profitable TC brands.

Opening by George Dokios, GM of EFEX

Session 1: Winners and Losers

• OTC – a fast-growing market

• Global review and emerging trends

• Key learnings for Greece

• "100 Market Movers” – the fastest-growing OTC brands of 2010...

• ... and who fell off the cliff!

Session 2: New Product Development

• Switch, innovation and new technology

• Identifying opportunities

• In and out-licensing

• Complementary medicine

• Adapting technologies from food, cosmetics and clinical products

Session 3: What Makes a Successful Brand?

• Engaging with real consumer needs

• Line extensions

• Giving OTCs a Visible Point of Difference

• Pricing and Value – high or low?

Session 5: Innovating in Self-Medication – An Opportunity for Consumer Healthcare (Roula Hassapoglidou)

• Consumers seek health information & support

• How do OTC Marketers respond to healthcare consumer needs?

• How can innovation in Self-Care lead to better health and better business?

Session 6: Successful Strategies

• Does the FMCG rule book work for OTC?

• From the US – the mass market way

• OTx in Europe – detailing doctors and pharmacists

• Reaching the consumer in new ways – internet, social media and KOLs

• New trends in distribution and retailing

OTC Action Workshop • Athens Ledra Marriott • Friday 30th September 2011

This workshop will be held inconjunction with our local Network Partner, Roula Hassapoglidou, Senior FMCG, OTC Professional of Healthier Communication & Consultation, Greece

Nicholas Hall & Company is a global marketing consultancy and business intelligence company, specialising in consumer healthcare, which works for all the leading OTC players. Nicholas Hall has chaired and moderated over 300 OTC conferences and seminars in a total of 58 countries.

For further details and bookings contact Melissa Archer T: + 44 (0) 1702 220 224 E: info@NicholasHall.com

Book 3 places and get a 4th place free of charge! Pay by credit card and receive a 5% discount


Μεγέθυνση Γραμμάτων Σμίκρυνση Γραμμάτων Αρχικό Μέγεθος

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